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LGBTQ+ Perspective : Redefining Love – Life After Divorce in Indian Society

LGBTQ+ Perspective : Redefining Love – Life After Divorce in Indian Society

Divorce, once considered taboo in India, is gradually becoming a more accepted reality. As a practicing Family Lawyer in Bangalore with over two decades I have closely observed the evolving social norms, changing gender roles, and shifting perspectives on love and relationships, many individuals are now confronting the complexities of life after divorce. One lesser-discussed but significant factor contributing to marital breakdown is a shift in sexual orientation, which plays a crucial role in the decision to part ways. In this blog, we explore the changing dynamics of love in Indian society, the impact of sexual orientation on marriage, and how individuals are finding themselves after divorce.

The Changing Landscape of Divorce in India

Indian society has long upheld the sanctity of marriage as a lifelong commitment. However, as societal norms evolve, there is a growing recognition that love and compatibility are complex and fluid. While divorce rates remain lower in India than in many Western countries, they are rising, particularly in urban areas, unlike me most divorce lawyers in Bangalore can confidently vouch that today women are more empowered to seek independence, and the stigma attached to separation is diminishing.

This changing landscape reflects a shift in values, where personal happiness, self-discovery, and authenticity are becoming more prioritized than adhering to traditional marital expectations. Sexual orientation is one of the key factors prompting this shift.

The Role of Sexual Orientation in Marital Breakdown
While marriage in India is often viewed as the cornerstone of family life, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that sexual orientation plays a crucial role in the breakdown of many relationships. Many people enter marriages without fully understanding their own sexuality, often due to societal pressures or family expectations. Over time, some individuals realize that their true sexual identity does not align with their heterosexual marriage, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration, and eventually, divorce.

Realization of True Sexual Identity: Many men and women come to the realization, often late in life, that their sexual orientation differs from the societal norm of heterosexuality. This discovery can be deeply challenging, as it forces individuals to confront both their inner truth and the expectations placed upon them by their spouse, family, and society at large.

Suppression of Sexual Desires: In many cases, people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or queer may have suppressed their true desires in order to conform to societal norms. As this suppression takes a toll on their mental health and well-being, they may begin to feel that they are living a lie. This dissonance between their inner world and the reality of their marriage can lead to a sense of emotional disconnection, causing them to fall out of love with their partner.

Challenges in Communication: Often, individuals facing a conflict between their sexual orientation and their marital expectations find it difficult to communicate openly with their spouse. The inability to express their true feelings can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and emotional withdrawal, which can further strain the marriage. In the past year and odd, I have personally witnessed and helped many couples settle disputes through negotiations and counselling followed with filing Mutual Consent Divorce and ensure their private lives are not tarnished in public.

Exploring New Relationships: After coming to terms with their sexual identity, many people feel compelled to explore relationships that align with their true orientation. While this exploration can be freeing and empowering, it can also lead to the dissolution of their current marriage, as they may feel that they can no longer stay in a relationship that does not reflect their authentic self. The suggestion is to always engage in another relationship once the current marriage is dissolved to ensure you are not pressed with Divorce on grounds of Adultery in the court.

Falling Out of Love: Emotional and Psychological Aspects

The realization of a shift in sexual orientation can trigger a complex emotional journey. Falling out of love with a partner is often not a sudden event but a gradual process shaped by emotional disconnect, unmet needs, and a lack of mutual understanding. Sexual orientation can play a significant role in this process. As a lawyer in Bangalore helping couples overcome their marital conflicts, I have observed the following three concerns that are most common narrative by them:

Emotional Disconnect: When a person’s sexual orientation no longer aligns with their marriage, it can lead to a significant emotional gap between partners. Physical intimacy often serves as a foundation for emotional closeness in marriage. If this intimacy is lacking or feels forced, it can erode the emotional bond between spouses, leading to a breakdown in communication and affection.

Guilt and Confusion: Individuals who realize they are not sexually attracted to their spouse often experience intense feelings of guilt and confusion. They may love their partner deeply as a person but are unable to maintain the romantic or sexual connection necessary for a fulfilling marriage. This inner conflict can be emotionally draining, leading to anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation.

Self-Discovery and Liberation: For many individuals, divorce represents a period of self-discovery and liberation. After coming to terms with their sexual orientation, they often feel a sense of relief and freedom. Post-divorce, they can explore relationships that align with their true self, allowing them to find love and companionship on their own terms. This process of redefining love helps them rebuild their lives with greater authenticity.

Life After Divorce: Acceptance and Growth

Life after divorce can be a time of immense personal growth and healing. For individuals whose marriage ended due to a shift in sexual orientation, the journey toward self-acceptance is critical. As a lawyer for NRIs in Bangalore or representing Oversees Citizens of India, I have often seen the divorce process bring not only painful especially with one spouse in India and the other in a foreign country, it is also an opportunity for self-reflection, emotional healing, and the pursuit of relationships that reflect their true identity. My relationship has grown more as a counsellor and goes beyond providing legal support to help them rebuild their life helping in these three key focused areas

Navigating Family and Societal Pressure: One of the biggest challenges for divorced individuals, particularly who return to India or continue to reside back here after divorce, is dealing with societal and familial pressure. Acceptance of divorce is still not universal, and when coupled with non-heteronormative sexual orientation, the stigma can be even stronger. However, as awareness of LGBTQ+ rights grow, more people are finding communities that support their choices and identity.

Embracing New Relationships: Post-divorce, individuals are increasingly embracing new relationships that align with their sexual orientation. For many, this journey leads to healthier, more fulfilling partnerships, where both partners are on the same page emotionally, romantically, and sexually.

Empowerment and Redefining Love: Divorce is no longer seen solely as a failure of marriage, but as an opportunity to redefine love and relationships on one’s own terms. Many individuals feel empowered after their divorce, as they are able to be true to themselves and form connections based on authenticity, rather than societal expectations. They begin to understand that love is fluid, and that it’s okay to change and grow over time.


Divorce, particularly when linked to a shift in sexual orientation, is a deeply personal and transformative experience. In Indian society, where tradition often dictates personal choices, breaking free from the expectations of marriage to live authentically is a courageous act. For those who experience a change in sexual orientation, life after divorce represents not just the end of one chapter, but the beginning of a new journey towards self-acceptance and love. By redefining love in their own terms, many individuals are finding fulfilment, happiness, and connection in ways they never thought possible.

In a society that is slowly opening its heart to diverse forms of love and relationships, the narrative of life after divorce is evolving. It’s a story of empowerment, of embracing one’s truth, and of discovering that love, in all its forms, is worth fighting for.

For personalized legal advice tailored to your unique situation, feel free to write to us at or call at +91 9845944896. Sonia and Partners is a Boutique law firm led by Adv. Sonia Rajesh supported by a team of qualified and among the best lawyers in Bangalore practicing in the area of Family Law and Criminal defence serving Citizens of India, Overseas Indians, NRIs and Global International Clients representing both at the Dist. Family Courts and High Court.